Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No More Stadium Starvation

A friend of mine sent me this photo, taken at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, home of the 76ers. It's amazing how much has changed in the last few years. When I was first diagnosed, there was no bread I could eat that didn't taste like cardboard and rip up my mouth, let alone public places that were aware of the gluten-free lifestyle. If I knew I was going to a sporting event I prepared for hours without substance and ended up buying overpriced soda to curb my hunger.

The Nationals stadium in D.C. where I'm from has a gluten-free concession stand. It carries Redbridge (gf beer) and $15 salads with nothing on them. It's a let-down. All we want are some boardwalk fries! It really pays to live where Celiac disease is common. The Coors stadium in Colorado has gluten-free sandwiches and hamburgers- unfair. Now I'm not even a sports fan, but there's nothing I enjoy more than eating some delicious allergen-free food. And now with Spring coming and baseball season starting, plan plan ahead.

Some tips for those who aren't lucky enough to live in an accommodating area:
Sneak In Food- Most places will let you pass with snacks if you tell them you have dietary restrictions, as long as you don't have bottled water
If you have to buy, go plain - Ask for a burger or chicken without the bun and make sure you tell them exactly what your restrictions are
Ask questions - This is something I'm not very good at because I'm shy, but if they don't understand what you're saying then forget it. The effects aren't worth it.

More posts to come :)

1 comment:

  1. What a great and useful blog, Stephanie. I read all the posts, but will focus on this one and those to come.

    You have some strong strategies. Casual yet intelligent writing. Lists are good in blogs too. Keep it up!
