Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Eat your way through Summer

So the semester is slowly ending and the weather is warming up (finally). It's that time of year when families start barbecuing and picnicking regularly. Eating gluten and dairy-free can be difficult during the summer but have some deliciously safe solutions for you!

Your-way BBQ Chicken
Head to the grocery store and pick ANY gluten-free marinade you like and your favorite type of chicken. My personal favorite is World Harbors Lemon Pepper & Garlic. Let it marinade for at least 2 hours in the fridge prior to barbecuing. Grill until meat turns white. Enjoy!

This recipe is courtesy of Gluten-Free Girl Shauna Ahern, my favorite gluten-free chef. Feel free to leave out the pesto as I'm not a huge fan of it myself. Quinoa has a delicious smoky taste and can be combined with any vegetable you like! www.glutenfreegirl.com

Ultimate dairy-free ice cream
Drive to the nearest Whole Foods Market or health food store. Purchase a delicious flavor of Purely Decadent Soy Ice Cream. Peanut Butter Zig Zag is my favorite but they even have a gluten-free Cookie Dough! Perfect to cool off on the hottest days. www.sallybernstein.com

Clearly I'm not the greatest chef myself, but I love to help others who suffer with the same issues as me. Gluten-free cookbooks are everywhere now. I use the Gluten-Free Gourmet books. Have fun, play with recipes and most of all, stay healthy!

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